Presentation of the 8th International Steven Hoogendijk Award 2018

On Wednesday, September 19, the International Steven Hoogendijk Award was presented for the 8th time to Prof. Dr. Larry Gold for his work in Molecular Engineering, especially Aptamers and the SELEX method.

This time the jury consisted of prof.dr. Leo Hofland (EMC, Vz), prof.dr. Peter Katsikis (EMC) and prof.dr. Jan van Meurs (Eye Hospital).

(from left to right): Dr. Janssen (Pres. Dir. BGPW), Prof. Hofland (Pres. jury), Prof. Larry Gold, Prof. Katsikis (jury member) and Burg. Aboutaleb

The award ceremony at Rotterdam City Hall was well attended and during the drinks afterwards there was extensive discussion in which the topics of the mini-symposium in the Machinist were not avoided.

Dr. Hans Heus explains Anti-Bodies and Aptamers

Aptamers were also the subject of discussion during the dinner at KR&ZV De Maas, briefly interrupted by the transfer of the President-Directorship from Joop Janssen to Peter Wieringa.