Human mini-organs on a chip

6 May, 2024

Dr. Jos Joore CEO Mimetas.

On Monday, May 6, the Candidate Members Committee will organize a lecture by Jos Joore CEO of Mimetas about “With human mini-organs in chips on the way to medicines against diseases of the 21st century”, 8:00 PM room SH2 city hall Rotterdam.

Only 1 in 20 drugs developed in the lab appear to work in patients. Patients with complex diseases in particular suffer from this, because there are too few innovative drugs on the market against, for example, liver fibrosis, many tumors and Crohn’s disease. Mimetas develops mini human organs that are used to develop new medicines against these complex diseases. They are a better alternative to the overly simple human cell cultures and non-human laboratory animals that are currently used. In this lecture we will discuss the background of this technology and the Dutch company Mimetas, which is one of the founders of the organ-on-a-chip field.