Presentation of the 6th International Steven Hoogendijk Award 2014

On October 31, 2014, the international prize of the Batavian Society was awarded for the 6th time during a ceremony in the Citizens’ Hall of Rotterdam City Hall. After the President of the Batavian Society, Mrs. Dr. F.B. de Waard-van der Spek, had opened the meeting, prof.dr. A. van der Lugt gives those present an insight into the history of neuroradiology. Stefan Vilsmeier, founder and CEO of Brainlab AG, received the medal and a cash prize of 10,000 euros from the Praeses Magnificus, Ing. A. Aboutaleb, after the reasons for the award were explained by the chairman of the jury, Professor Dr .P.A.E. Sillevis Smitt. Finally, Mr. Vilsmeier talked about his work and life. After the ceremony, the meeting continued informally with an aperitif in the town hall.

Most of the members of the Society present went to the KR&ZV De Maas society for a dinner with the prize winner and other guests. During the dinner, Mrs. de Waard spoke about the major role that physicians, especially Lambertus Bicker, have played since the foundation of the Society in 1769. She made a connection between Bicker’s clear observations and current knowledge in the medical field, in particular her own field, dermatology. Her illustrations can be seen by clicking here.

Prior to the award ceremony, a symposium on neuronavigation was held in the morning at the Erasmus Medical Center. The program can be found here.